How Technology Enables More Dynamic Brand Planning
Daniel Kohlstaedt, managing director at PurpleLeaf Strategy, discusses how new technologies can help bring brand planning and strategy development into the digital age.
The problems with traditional approaches to brand planning
According to a 2021 report from PwC, 80% of European pharmaceutical executives feel that their current brand planning approaches, processes, and outputs aren’t fit for purpose. They cited difficulties reaching the right conclusions from data, messy processes, and a lack of internal organisation and alignment as top challenges to their brand planning success.
Tech-enabled solutions to brand planning challenges
Considerations amidst pharma’s digital transformation
More to come at Reuters Pharma US
As we approach the season when many companies begin brand strategy development, I look forward to engaging with pharma leaders about how we can collaborate to modernise and streamline their brand planning strategies. I’ll be attending Reuters Pharma USA 2023 in Philadelphia on 28th-29th March, where I hope to reconnect with old friends and meet new global managers from large and small organisations to discuss how Enavia can support and enable their digital transformation. Come find us in booth 47.
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Explore deeper insights on How New Technologies Help Keep Brand Planning Simple in our next article.